International Week (Italy) - dr K. Tyc-Szmil
On the days 19 to 23 June, Dr Karolina Tyc - Szmil participated in the International Week, which was organised by the Universiteta di Foggia in Italy. This year's theme was on ensuring the quality of the internationalisation of higher education and was ‘New approaches to the internationalisation of higher education’.
The International Week were focussed on:
1. increasing the level of achievement to provide the graduates and researchers that Europe needs.
2. improving the quality and relevance of higher education.
3. enhancing quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation.
4. realising the knowledge triangle: linking higher education, research and business for excellence and regional development.
5. improving governance and funding.
Thanks to the work of the International Relations Office, the Cooperation and Internationalisation Week brought together around 300 participants from all over the world, most of whom presented papers related to the theme of the event.