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National holidays

National Holidays

New Year’s Day  - Nowy Rok – 1st of January

Epiphany – Święto Trzech Króli – 6th of January

Easter – Wielkanoc – the date is different every year but it is usually celebrated at the end of March or beginning of April

Labour Day – Święto Pracy – 1st of May

Constitution Day – Konstytucji 3 Maja – 3rd of May

Corpus Christi – Boże Ciało – the ninth Thursday after Easter (May or June)

Polish Army Day – Święto Wojska Polskiego – 15th of August

All Saints Day/ All Soul’s Day – Wszystkich Świetych – 1st/2nd of November

Indenpendence Day – Dzień Niepodległości  - 11th of November

Christmas Eve – Wigilia – 24th of December

Christmas Day – Boże Narodzenie -25th/26th of December