Christmas presentations

“Christmas Journey: Across Asia, America to Europe”.
On December 5, 2024 at 10:00 am, we invite all students and staff of our University to listen to Christmas presentations by our foreign guests and students.
On this day, the University will celebrate Santa Claus day, so all participants are invited to enjoy a Santa Claus photo booth and a souvenir photo.
The Christmas lecture will take place in the Ala Comeniana and will consist of four presentations. Our speakers, who come from different parts of the world, will share traditions and customs related to Christmas celebrations in their homelands.
Detailed lecture schedule and presentation breakdown:
1. Institute of technology- computer science - Mateusz Lagocki
Presentation by a student of our university, which will be an introduction and presentation of Polish traditions to our guests.
2. Institute of technology - computer science - Yaroslava Drozd
Presentation by a student of our university, who came from Ukraine.
3. Institute of Health and Physical Education - nursing - Laura Canella Manrique de Lara and Silvia Sanchez Lorenzo.
Presentation of female students who came to study from our partner university University of Las Palmas Gran Canaria, Spain.
4. Institute of Economy - logistics - Alikhan Murat.
Presentation of a student who came to study from our partner university Atyrau University of Oil and Gas, Kazakhstan.
5. Jan Amos Komeński University of Applied Sciences - teaching assistant - Cady Garcia
Presentation of the Polish-American Fulbright Commission grantee, who will teach students throughout the 2024/2025 academic year. The grantee came to us from the United States, the state of Indiana. She graduated from Ball State University in Muncie.
All presentations will be given in English.