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Accessibility Statement

 Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement of Jan Amos Komeński State University of Applied Sciences in Leszno

Jan Amos Komeński State University of Applied Sciences in Leszno undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Bodies Act of 4 April 2019. The accessibility statement applies to the website: https://en.ansleszno.pl/ 

· Date of website publication: 4 December 2019.

· Date of last major update: 26 March 2024.

Act compliance status

The website is partially compliant with the Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Bodies Act due to non-compliance or exclusions listed below.

Non-accessible content

· not all photo coverage is accompanied by alternative text, but comes only with collective information about what topic individual photographs refer to,

· links to materials in other websites/webpages do not contain any text content which could be readable by software for persons with disabilities,

· certain documents are accessible only in one format.

Preparation of this Accessibility Statement

· The Statement was prepared on 30 March 2023.

· The Statement was last reviewed and updated on 26 March 2024.

The Statement was prepared based on self-assessment.

Keyboard shortcuts for navigating the website

The service comes with mechanisms which facilitate browsing content by persons with impaired eyesight who do not use assistive technologies:

change of font size, change of contrast.

Users who use only the keyboard can navigate the service freely by means of standard keyboard shortcuts including TAB, SHIFT+TAB, ENTER.

[CTRL] -u starts the advanced panel which allows the user to:

-navigate the keyboard

- read aloud text

- change contrast

-highlight links

-zoom out text

-increase spaces

-change types of font into dyslexic-friendly

-increase a cursor size

-navigate when following headlines.

Graphic Internet browsers allow their users to increase or decrease the view of a website which is shown at a given moment. To increase text, the user should select correctly combined keys: for Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer: [CTRL] and [+] to increase the view [CTRL] and [-] to decrease the view [CTRL] and [0] to revert to the default view. The whole service comes with the so-called focus which means a default tick of an active link or form box. The focus moves to all visible active elements of the website according to a logical order.

Persons responsible for placing text on the website do their best to make all of it comprehensive and format it to comply with accessibility principles. We make every endeavour to provide photographs included in the service with defined alternative descriptions and make their content understandable for persons with eyesight impairments.

Feedback and contact data

· The following person is responsible for processing remarks and applications: Natalia Szymanowska · Email: dostepnosc@ansleszno.pl 

· Telephone: 65 525 01 49

Every person has the right to:

· pass remarks about digital accessibility of the website or its element,

· file a request for digital accessibility of the website or its element,

· apply for providing an accessible alternative for non-accessible content.

It is obligatory that all requests:

· include contact data of a filing person,

· specify a website or its element which the request refers to,

· specify a convenient form of accessing content if the request refers to providing an accessible alternative for non-accessible content .

Requests should be promptly processed, not later than within 7 days. Should it not be possible to provide accessibility or an alternative accessible form, the same should be provided not later than within 2 months of the request filing date.

Apeeals and complains

Complaints might be also filed with the Commisioner for Human Rights

Architectural accessibility

Main Building, address: ul. Adama Mickiewicza 5, 64-100 Leszno

There are two entrances to the building. The main entrance is from the side of Mickiewicza Street and it is not adapted to persons with disabilities. The other entrance, situated at the back of the building, from the side of Cicha Street, is adapted and comes with a roofed ramp and handrails on both sides. There is an interphone at the back entrance to call a doorkeeper to assist in getting to individual floors. There is a parking lot behind the university building

(from Cicha Street) which offers 2 parking spaces for persons with disabilities. The reception and cloakroom can be easily found and are adapted to persons with disabilities. Restrooms in the building are adapted to persons with disabilities. The building corridors are of appropriate width. There is a lift in the building. The building can be entered by persons with assistance dogs. All glass surfaces in the building are marked by stripes of which colour contrasts with the background. In the building there are evacuation procedures for persons with disabilities and equipment for evacuating persons with disabilities (evacuation chairs). In the building there is visual information about the layout of rooms. The building is equipped with an induction loop system to aid hearing. There is no information in Braille. The reception desk is equipped with an induction loop. On each floor there is a toilet adapted for people with disabilities, marked with a contrasting sign in Braille. The corridors in the building are appropriately wide. Wall finishing materials do not reflect light. Skirting boards were used as a contrasting element. Secretariat rooms equipped with an induction loop, no maneuvering space, lowered counters, well-lit place. The building houses a specialist equipment rental.

Comeniana Hall, address: ul. Adama Mickiewicza 5, 64-100 Leszno

The Hall is directly next to the Main Building to which it is connected via a passage. The main entrance (accessible to all users) is situated from the side of Adama Mickiewicza Street. It is also possible to get to the Hall directly from the Main Building. The passageway to the main entrance is free from any rough spots, edge drop-offs or changes to its level. The entrance is adapted to persons with disabilities. From the side of the Main Building there is a corridor which leads to the Hall and internal stairs – five steps with handrails on both sides and a vertical platform lift for persons with disabilities. The building can be entered by persons with assistance dogs. Restrooms in the building are adapted to persons with disabilities. The building corridors are of appropriate width. The Hall is accessible to all users. There is space earmarked for users in wheelchairs. All glass surfaces in the building are marked by stripes of which colour contrasts with the background. In the building there are evacuation procedures for persons with disabilities. The building has visual information about the layout of rooms. The building is not equipped with an induction loop system or any other devices to aid hearing. There is no information in Braille in the building. There are no induction loops or other hearing aids in the building.

Library, address: ul. Opalińskich 1, 64-100 Leszno

The entrance is adapted to persons with disabilities. Access is provided by exterior stairs and a ramp. The ramp has kerbs which prevent wheelchair wheels from slipping. Top rails are mounted at the right level and with enough spacing between them. There is a parking space for persons with disabilities beside the building. The reception is in the nearest proximity of the main entrance and is adapted to persons with disabilities. The self-service cloakroom is adapted to persons with disabilities. Walls and floors in the building are well contrasted. All glass surfaces in the building are marked by stripes of which colour contrasts with the background. In the building there is a restroom adapted to persons with disabilities. There is a lift in the building. The building can be entered by persons with assistance dogs. In the building there are evacuation procedures for persons with disabilities. The building has visual information about the layout of rooms. There is an induction loop system in the building to aid hearing. There is no information in Braille in the building. As part of the university’ project “Jan Amos Komeński State University of Applied Sciences in Leszno – University without Barriers,” a magnifier and screen reader have been bought.

‘Komenik’ Student Residence Hall, address: ul. Opalińskich 1 

The Student Residence Hall is situated clos

, 64-100 Lesznoe to the University. It has external access ramp for persons with motor disabilities and there is a lift inside the building. It can be entered by persons with assistance dogs. There are two single rooms with bathrooms adapted to persons with motor disabilities. In addition, on the ground and first floor, there are restrooms available to all users which are adapted to persons with disabilities. Materials used to cover walls and floors do not reflect light. Walls and floors contrast each other. All doors inside the building are of at least 0.9m width and 2.0m height. Door leaves made of transparent panels are marked in line with guidelines. Doors in the building do not have thresholds higher than 2cm. In the building there is no visual information about the layout of rooms. The building is not equipped with an induction loop system or any other devices to aid hearing. There is no information in Braille in the building. To increase safety of its residents, the building has a fire alarm system, voice alarm system and monitoring system. In accordance with the Rules, a student with disabilities who applies for a place to live in the Student Residence Hall is bound by the same principles and time limits as other students of

the University, with a provision that a disability certificate constitutes one of criteria in favour of the student which are applied by a grant and scholarship committee when a number of residence applications exceeds a number of accommodation places.

Information and communication accessibility:

Communication is possible using means supporting communication: e-mail, instant messenger, forms on the website, and access to a sign language interpreter (upon request).

Information about the university in Polish sign language is available on the website: information about the university in sign language

Contact details

Jan Amos Komeński State University of Applied Sciences in Leszno

Address: ul. Adama Mickiewicza 5, 64-100 Leszno

Telephone: +48 65 529 60 60 Telephone number to the Recruitment Office: +48 65 525 01 12 Fax number: +48 65 529 60 82 Email: kancelaria@ansleszno.pl 


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